This Might Get Uncomfortable

Coming Together: How Living A Long Life Impacts Relationships

This Might Get Uncomfortable | with Whitney Lauritsen

As the world continues to move, so are people’s perceptions of relationships. We can see how each generation differs in the way they approach and think about relationships, navigating through them amidst the changes happening. But is there a way through these generational differences and celebrate them instead to withstand the changes?

​​In this episode, Whitney Lauritsen sits down with Drs. Michael and Barbara Grossman to dive deep into lasting relationships. They dive deep into the challenges we face today, from fear of disconnection and body changes to the pressures we put on others to be the way they are.

​​​On a lighter note, Drs. Michael and Barbara give hope by sharing the three secrets to falling in love forever and how living a long life impacts relationships. They also discuss coming together on the issues that separate couples, how to know whether to stay in a relationship and do the work or end it, and the impact of personal development on our relationships. This is one full episode on discovering what it takes to keep our relationships against the changes happening around us. You won’t want to miss it!

Click HERE to listen to the full episode