An Old Tale for a New Era

An Old Tale for a New Era Marriage has never been easy, but in the current culture of equality, gender and role fluidity, romantic relationships may be even more strained. Yet, the fundamentals of navigating a relationship to fulfill the promise of a loving marriage has not changed. The key to satisfying the desire for […]

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Just Another Day In the Office

I have been working with a couple for the last few weeks who beautifully illustrate the opportunities of a long-term marriage. I want you to hear about them because they could be a version of your marriage. They are quintessentially a man and a woman with a midlife struggle, which means it is not enough

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Mature couple fight

When Anger Becomes Inevitable

I saw a couple this week in my office that could be any couple when things go off track. This couple has two children: they’ve been together for almost two decades. That is a big investment of time and enough time to create a lot of hurt feelings. She is hurt because she doesn’t experience

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Couple with dog

Let’s Talk About Anger

We all have feelings. That in itself is not a problem. Feelings give us a lot of information.  We learn what we like and don’t like. That translates into what we want and don’t want. Without this information, we cannot direct our lives. We don’t like working with numbers; we like working with people. That

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Witchy Wellness

The Witchy Wellness Radio

Witchy Wellness Radio| Episode 211: Falling in Love Forever with Dr. Micahel and Dr. Barbara Grossman Click HERE to listen to the full interview with Loren Cellentani For over twenty-five years, Drs. Michael and Barbara Grossman have taught thousands of couples practical skills to create a fulfilling romantic partnership. They have TV appearances on CBS, NBC,

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The Spark

The Spark

The Spark| Episode Click HERE to listen to the full interview with Stephanie James LCSW Dr. Barbara holds advanced degrees from Columbia University and Claremont School of Theology. She has been a Marriage, Family, and Child Therapist since 1986 with an office in Newport Beach, California. She is committed to teaching skills to move couples from

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Bringing Back Intimacy with Dr. April

Our Brain & Romance 

Our Brain & Romance | Episode 128: Bringing Intimacy Back Click HERE to listen to the full interview with Dr. April. This week on Bringing Intimacy Back, host Dr. April and co-host Coach Kay discuss how love and romance affect our minds with special Guests Drs. Michael and Barbara Grossman. Dr. Barbara holds advanced degrees from

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